Relief for South Sudanese Refugees


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One Day’s Wages is partnering with World Relief to provide life-saving healthcare and critical education for children whose lives are being torn apart by ongoing conflict in South Sudan.

Why South Sudanese Refugees?

Since gaining independence in 2011, the world’s newest country has struggled with poverty and instability. Ongoing conflict has displaced an estimated 2.4 million people in South Sudan, making this the largest refugee crisis in all of Africa and the third largest refugee crisis in the world.

In 2013, the United Nations established a refugee camp in Bentiu, South Sudan to protect individuals fleeing their communities in search of safety. Rising violence has caused many humanitarian organizations to withdraw from the region, severely limiting vital services to those who need them the most.

This situation is particularly difficult for the youngest victims of conflict and violence: children. Forced from the safety of their homes and communities, displaced children have often witnessed unspeakable violence. Normal parts of childhood like school and play are lost. Children go hungry because there isn’t enough food available to nourish them. Medical care is often inaccessible, turning treatable illnesses into life threatening situations.

ODW + World Relief

Our partnership will meet immediate needs of children in the Bentiu camp. This includes providing healthcare and education for children left vulnerable by war and displacement.

Health – World Relief is treating thousands of malnourished children in Bentiu. Prolonged malnutrition puts a child at risk for long-term developmental delays. Without adequate nutrition during critical formative years, children face significant stunting of their physical and mental development. By providing enriched foods and ongoing evaluation, World Relief is fighting for these children to have a healthy future.

Education – When families are forced to flee their homes, one of the many resulting tragedies is a child’s discontinued education. Not only is the child losing valuable years of development, but also a sense of stability. World Relief is providing early childhood and primary education, along with a renewed sense of stability, for more than 10,000 displaced children in Bentiu. Children have a chance to learn, to play, and to recover some of the essential activities of childhood stolen from them by displacement.

Join us

You can help provide critical nourishment for children facing chronic malnutrition, placing them on the road to recovery. Your support will also provide displaced children with access to educational opportunities that they wouldn’t be able to access, giving them hope for a better future. The progress bar above includes our intended match amount of $50,000 for a total granting goal of $100,000.

Meet Deborah + Katerina

Deborah never planned to leave her home. Since the conflict began in South Sudan, Deborah would often gather her three children and escape into the nearby bush and swamp to hide for days on end while forces attacked her village. But she always returned home. Then one day, Deborah returned from the bush to find her home burned to the ground, and that most of her friends, neighbors, and even her father-in-law had not survived. She knew she had to find safety.

Hope pulled her forward during those five long days to reach the United Nation’s Bentiu refugee camp, but Deborah’s journey is far from over. While the UN provides basic security from conflict for Deborah and her children, they aren’t able to meet basic needs like food, medicine, and education. Deborah’s seven-month-old daughter, Katerina, is severely malnourished and will need to be referred to inpatient care. With your help, World Relief can provide these essential services for Deborah, Katerina, and others like them in the Bentiu camp.

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