stories, actions, and issues that power our grassroots movement

We are inspired by

stories of impact

Impact Beyond Numbers

Impact Beyond Numbers

At One Day’s Wages, impact is one of our core values—and we believe it goes beyond the number of wells drilled, classrooms built, or farmers trained. It’s about long-term, sustainable changes that shape communities for generations. As a movement committed to locally...

RAIN for the Sahel and Sahara

RAIN for the Sahel and Sahara

I’ve been trying to grow vegetables in a small household garden for nearly 15 years now, and you’d think that I’d be much better at gardening than I am at this point. Some years I have greater success than others, but most of the time I manage to eke out at least a...



You can’t do it all. Cleaning your teeth, raising animals for meat, replacing your car engine, teaching a foreign language -- every day you rely on others to do tasks that you are unable to do for yourself.  This is how it works for everyone -- we all have expertise...

Food Insecurity – A Global Challenge

Food Insecurity – A Global Challenge

Your holidays are probably filled with a variety of traditions - special items that have been passed down to you from other family members you put out this time of year; yearly performances and outings; crafts with little ones; and gathering with loved ones. And, of...

On Dignity

On Dignity

Dignity. It’s one of our values at One Day’s Wages, and it’s core to everything we do.  The reason we exist as an organization is because we believe that every person matters, every story matters, every action matters.   For us, dignity means that every person is...

Climate & Poverty: How Do We Respond?

Climate & Poverty: How Do We Respond?

The mission of One Day’s Wages is to alleviate extreme poverty. While we can truly celebrate all the progress that has been made over the years, there is a looming threat to that progress: climate change.  The World Bank estimates that another 100 million people could...

It’s Time We Rethink Orphan Care

It’s Time We Rethink Orphan Care

Orphanages are often serving as a stopgap for families who are struggling in poverty. In Uganda, Harriet lives with her two daughters but struggles to provide for them. With no choice but to leave her abusive husband, Harriet did not have the means to provide food,...

Tanzania Trip Reflection

Tanzania Trip Reflection

Hello everyone! My name is Micah and I am the Operations and Projects Coordinator here at One Day's Wages. After getting the chance to go on a partner visit with my colleague Daphne, One Day's Wages' Grants Director, to Tanzania, I wanted to share my highlights and...

Celebrating 300 Grants!

Celebrating 300 Grants!

One Day’s Wages began in 2009 with one small grant: $5,000 to help 200 displaced Burmese students attend school.  This August, we reached the significant milestone of awarding our 300th grant!  This most recent grant will build the capacity of 225 midwives to...

Best Practices for Preventing Human Trafficking

Best Practices for Preventing Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is defined as the recruitment, transport, transfer, harboring, and receiving of people, typically by force or coercion, for the purpose of exploitation.   Trafficking can take many forms.  One of ODW’s partners, Next Generation Nepal (NGN), stops...



One Day’s Wages exists to alleviate extreme poverty by investing in, amplifying, and coming alongside locally led organizations in underserved communities.

©2024 One Day's Wages is a registered 501(c)(3) organization | Tax ID #26-2566653 | Privacy policy | Terms of use

P.O. BOX 17575 Seattle, WA 98127 | Contact us