
by | Nov 18, 2024

You can’t do it all.

Cleaning your teeth, raising animals for meat, replacing your car engine, teaching a foreign language — every day you rely on others to do tasks that you are unable to do for yourself. 

This is how it works for everyone — we all have expertise in different areas, and rely on a community of others to help fill our needs.

One of One Day’s Wages’ core issues is to support food security, but we certainly aren’t an expert in food security.

But what we are experts in is vetting organizations that are doing effective food security work in their communities, and partnering with them as they implement local solutions specific to their community context. 

We exist solely to come alongside organizations that are doing the work that has the greatest impact in their communities. 

For example, we partner with Solidarity of Refugee Women for the Social Welfare (SOFERES), an organization that teaches refugee women in a Malawian refugee camp climate-resilient methods of farming and raising goats. 

We also partner with Zoe Empowers in Malawi, supporting orphaned and vulnerable youth who are financially responsible for their families. Through operating small businesses and participating in other income-generating activities, these youth will be able to support their families. 

In addition, we partner with Partners in Reproductive Health and Education (PRHE) in Malawi, an organization that helps women and girls learn about animal husbandry and agricultural training. Participants learn about goat raising, entrepreneurship, and how to make fertilizer to improve crop production. 

Partnerships are core to the One Day’s Wages model. We work to partner and amplify the work that local communities are doing to implement change in their local contexts. 

In the spirit of partnership, consider joining One Day’s Wages as a partner, and know that your financial support is going directly to projects impacting food security for our neighbors around the world.

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One Day’s Wages exists to alleviate extreme poverty by investing in, amplifying, and coming alongside locally led organizations in underserved communities.

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