Jeremy Lin donates game’s wages March 17

by | Mar 10, 2017

You may have heard a certain NBA player announced last year he would partner with One Day’s Wages this NBA season. Jeremy Lin aka “Linsanity” approached ODW after learning about our work and wanted to help. His commitment was to donate a game’s wages, about 140K, to our work empowering girls through secondary education and vocational training. He also committed to donating $100 for every 3-point shot he made this year.

This has been a tough season for Jeremy amidst several injuries that kept him off the court. But as he’s always done, JLin persevered and came back to the game he loves with more passion than ever. His dedication to charity work also keeps him moving, and he’s announced that the big game where he will make his generous donation is set for one week from today, March 17th, when the Nets play the Boston Celtics in Brooklyn.

We commend Jeremy for his commitment to giving back to educational causes, and are excited he is joining us this year to tackle the issues girls and young women face in completing their education. Jeremy had this to say on International Women’s Day this week…

I feel fortunate that I come from a family of strong women. One of my grandmothers earned her medical degree in Asia and then immigrated to the United States and got her medical license again, in a second language. My other grandmother raised a family of five after my grandfather passed away when my dad was young. My mom championed our passion for basketball and learned everything there was to know about AAU, tournaments, college basketball, and more. Without her I could never have achieved my dream of playing in the NBA. Today, my female cousins do important work in the non-profit, public health, and education sectors and my sister-in-law leads the management of my off-the-court business and activities.


I know first-hand how capable women are, and I’ve relied on the women in my life to help me in so many ways. I’ve also gotten a glimpse into some of the things that women encounter when they try to succeed – whether its some of the judgments or stereotypes that they face daily or what society tells them they should do or be. None of this makes any sense to me. When I look at my nieces, who are some of the most creative, intelligent and compassionate girls I know, I hope that they have all the opportunities that boys have growing up.


Around the world today, girls face many barriers in obtaining an education. Right now, 32 million girls of lower secondary school age are not enrolled in school. They are prevented from going to school because of issues like unaffordable school fees, forced child marriage, and lack of sanitary products. But we know that if investment is made into girls’ education, their families and communities benefit. Giving girls equal access to education is one of the best ways to help break the cycle of poverty.


That’s why I chose to partner with One Day’s Wages on girls’ empowerment and I hope you will join me in my campaign. When women are empowered, we are all better off.

Join Us

Please join Jeremy and ODW as we partner to empower girls through better education opportunities. Check out the video below, make a $7 donation, and spread the word.

Make your donation to Jeremy’s Campaign HERE!

Melissa Cushman is the Communications Director at One Day’s Wages. She lives in Seattle, WA with her husband and Papillon.

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One Day’s Wages exists to alleviate extreme poverty by investing in, amplifying, and coming alongside locally led organizations in underserved communities.

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