We're launching another partnership with Haritikathis time to aid the agricultural system in Madhya Pradesh.

Through this project an agriculture & technology information center will be established to provide farming resources, education, and financial support to help empower families in the community and address the economic and food insecurity there. 

ODW +  Haritika

During the past 50 years, India has made immense progress towards food security and livelihood security doubling income per person and life expectancy, decreasing poverty incidence by nearly one-half and led to India’s self-sufficiency in food. Despite these advances, India remains home to one fourth of the world’s total under-nourished people

Madhya Pradesh is located in central India. Approximately 3/4 of Madhya Pradesh’s population is rural, however, the distribution of population is confined predominantly to river valleys. Agriculture is the predominant means of income, but less than half of Madhya Pradesh is comprised of cultivable land. 

Through this project with Haritika we hope to increase in farm productivity of the farmers, build capacity through training, empower women entrepreneurship, enhance production of of safe food, and provide links to market for trading.  To do this, Haritika plans to use the funds to establish an agriculture & technology information center to provide farming resources, education, and financial support to help empower families in the community and address the economic and food insecurity there.

Our goal through this campaign is to raise 20% ($5,498.20) of the full $27,491 grant for this project.

How can you help?

  • Calculate and donate your One Day's Wages or any amount.
  • Pledge Your birthday for this campaign, or your Idea.
  • Partner with us through your Business, School, or Place of Worship.
  • Share this campaign throughout your social network.