We will always be
a movement powered by you
Making an impact is simple
let’s do this
You can run, bike, eat birthday cake, sell lemonade, or host a virtual party. Your special event or idea to raise funds could make a real impact for people living in extreme poverty. If you have an idea, let’s make it happen! If you need an idea, reach out.
It takes less than 2 minutes to get started. Tell the world your story through your very own fundraising page, and let people know what you’re passionate about by picking one of our core issues.
Share it on social media, email it, or even call your grandma about it. There are dozens of ways you can share your fundraiser and get the word out so people get as excited about your passion as you.
How will you join us?

Robin's Birthday
“I truly believe that there are many of us who want to make a difference, but feel so small. If we each do our part though, such as a birthday campaign, we will be on our way to alleviating extreme global poverty.” Robin donated her birthday to empower women in South Africa with business skills, and raised $1,200! Pledge your birthday this year and you can make an impact too.

Snow Sculpture for a Cause
The Bartz brothers build incredible snow sculptures in their front yard each year, and since 2016 they have used their creative talent to raise funds for clean water. They have raised over $94,000 providing clean water and sanitation in communities around the world! Consider how your special talents could raise funds for an issue you are passionate about.

Sharis and Tony's Wedding
Sharis and Tony used their wedding as a way to raise awareness and funds to fight human trafficking. Their campaign raised $1,500 to support prevention and aftercare for victims of the trafficking industry. Such a cool way to make your wedding even more meaningful. Instead of presents, ask your guests to make an impact through your Wedding or Reception for a Cause.
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One Day’s Wages exists to alleviate extreme poverty by investing in, amplifying, and coming alongside locally led organizations in underserved communities.
©2024 One Day's Wages is a registered 501(c)(3) organization | Tax ID #26-2566653 | Privacy policy | Terms of use
P.O. BOX 17575 Seattle, WA 98127 | Contact us