The Need
Malawi hosts over 53,000 refugees, primarily from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Rwanda. Nearly all refugees in Malawi live in the overcrowded Dzaleka Refugee Camp, with no pathway to formal employment or citizenship. Most in Dzaleka rely solely on food ration assistance, which was recently slashed in half to just $5.90 USD per person per month. Currently, an estimated 99% of Dzaleka residents are experiencing acute food insecurity.
The Partnership
One Day’s Wages is partnering with Solidarity of Refugee Women for the Social Welfare (SOFERES), a grassroots nonprofit founded by and for refugees living in Dzaleka Refugee Camp. We’re investing deeply in the lives of 30 women farmers in Dzaleka: those considered the most vulnerable in the camp who have no other means of support. Our partnership will equip the women with:
- Training in climate-resilience agriculture and goat rearing;
- Start-up capital and agricultural inputs; and
- Membership in agricultural cooperatives for earned income.
The Invitation
We need your help to raise $30,00 to provide long-term access to adequate food and income for refugee women farmers. When you contribute your best gift, 100% of your donation (minus transaction fees) goes directly to SOFERES as they work to implement these life-changing initiatives.
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One Day's Wages is a grassroots movement of people, stories, and actions to alleviate extreme global poverty
©2024 One Day's Wages is a registered 501(c)(3) organization | Tax ID #26-2566653 | Privacy policy | Terms of use
P.O. BOX 17575 Seattle, WA 98127 | Contact us