Women and girls in Cameroon are highly vulnerable to human trafficking.

With your care and kindness, you can step into the gap to train and educate survivors and prevent human trafficking from even starting.

High unemployment rates and economic uncertainty lead many Cameroonian women to take up job opportunities that promise a better life for themselves and their families. But these promises are never fulfilled.

Instead, they’re used to lure and trap women into forced labor or domestic servitude. They’re abandoned without their passport, community, or help systems—and often physically, emotionally, and sexually abused.

Without intervention for survivors and prevention to stop trafficking from starting, more and more women and girls will continue to be tricked and trapped.

But there’s a way you can stop that from happening—and equip women to be their own change-makers at the same time.

Our partner in Cameroon, Survivors’ Network Cameroon (SNC), is ready to train 50 women and girls to start their own small businesses to create income for their families and support the local economy. They’ll also receive essential education about human trafficking prevention, reporting mechanisms, and the support systems and services that exist for survivors.

They’re ready to start, but they can’t without you—their strong support community behind them, funding their project and sending encouragement.

Can you step into this gap today?

Can you give your wage of $33, $132, or even $264 to come alongside women as they learn essential skills to support themselves and their communities? 

With your care and kindness today, we can see more Cameroon women and girls raised up.

They’ll be able to recognize human trafficking and combat it before it can even begin. They’ll be able to care for other survivors. They’ll own and run their own businesses and care for the basic needs of those who count on them. 

They’ll avoid the trap of being re-trafficked, and live out lives of purpose and fulfillment. 

Can you join us and our local partner to stand with these women today? 

Just $33, $132, or even $264 today can change the course of a survivor’s entire future.



One Day's Wages is a grassroots movement of people, stories, and actions to alleviate extreme global poverty

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