Project #217 | Preventing Trafficking for At-Risk Girls in Cambodia

Our Partnership with AusCam Freedom Project

Across Cambodia there are many girls who dream of a better life for themselves and their families.  Unfortunately, a high percentage of girls end up in low paying or exploitative employment, or even being trafficked or enslaved.  There are multiple factors that increase girls’ vulnerability to trafficking in Cambodia, including lower education and socio-economic levels.  These vulnerabilities are often dependent on a sudden event that pushes the person into a desperate situation.  For many, school closures during the COVID pandemic were this trigger.  Helping girls stay in school is one of the best ways to reduce their risk of trafficking and sexual exploitation.

One Day’s Wages partnered with AusCam Freedom Project to provide educational support and COVID relief supplies for 100 girls who experienced economic stress and school closures during the pandemic.  The project offered uniforms, school supplies and school fees to keep girls enrolled in school and connected to vocational opportunities.  These supports were significant in keeping girls safe and in school.

Our collective impact

Students Received Scholarships for University

Girls Received Education Assistance

People Received COVID Relief Supplies

Meet Raksa

We received a call on our crisis hotline from Raksa’s mother, who told us that her husband had left, they had no money to buy food, and that she was suffering from a chronic health issue. Her income as a cleaner didn’t generate enough money to support the family and she was desperately trying to find work to feed her children, as most of their meals were just rice. She was worried that she would need to ask her 13-year-old daughter to work, but that if she tried to find work, it would most likely lead to some kind of exploitation. Our team delivered an emergency relief package to Raksa’s family and offered to enroll Raksa in our Shine Centre so that she could take control of her future.

Thank you for making this possible!

Our movement is grassroots, to us that not only means the work on the ground is led by local leaders with the support of the community, but it also means that we raise the funds for our projects through everyday donors just like you. In addition to all the donors that gave $25, $100, or $250 and the campaigners that ran a race or donated their birthday to raise funds, we also want to thank our generous business, school, and faith sponsors who believed in our work and joined the movement.

If you want to support future projects like this you can make a donation to our human trafficking fund.



One Day's Wages is a grassroots movement of people, stories, and actions to alleviate extreme global poverty

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