Project #214 | Rescuing Children From Abusive Orphanages in Nepal

Our Partnership with Next Generation Nepal

Over 85% of children living in “orphanages” in Nepal have living parents. Orphanage trafficking began during Nepal’s 10-year civil conflict during which children displaced from their families were placed by traffickers in exploitative institutional care. Traffickers take advantage of the aspirations and vulnerability of rural families who want their children to have a good education by promising parents that their children will be well cared for. For-profit orphanages are a lucrative business model, financially supported by well-intentioned foreign volunteers and donors who are touched by the tragic stories traffickers tell about the children. Children in these orphanages endure poor living conditions and both physical and mental abuse. Without rescue, children in these homes would have been further trafficking into commercial sex work or exploitative labor as they got older.

One Day’s Wages partnered with Next Generation Nepal (NGN) to rescue children who were trafficked to illegal and abusive “orphanages.” Rescued children temporarily resided in NGN’s transit home while the staff identified their families, which sometimes took months. All rescued children received appropriate health care, trauma therapy, and education until they could be sustainably reunified with their families. Reintegration with their families only took place once it had been determined by NGN’s reintegration officers that the child would be safe and cared for. NGN also collaborated with local governments and police to help take part in the monitoring of local returned children, with the goal of keeping them safe for the long term.

Our Collective Impact

People Impacted

Children Rescued

Children Received Rehabilitation and Trauma Care

Meet Sushmita

Sushmita* is from a remote mountain village in rural Nepal. She was trafficked to an illegal orphanage in Kathmandu after traffickers tricked her family into believing she would be attending a famous school in the big city. They promised that Sushmita would receive a quality education and be well cared for and convinced the family that in the future, she would be able to lift the family out of poverty. Sadly, this would never be the case. Unfortunately, Sushmita experienced abuse both physically and emotionally.  She was forced to lie to her western volunteer caretakers, pretend she was a parentless orphan, and was threatened that if she told anyone she had parents, she would be beaten or starved. Eventually, NGN rescued Sushmita and 18 other children, and after extensive searching for her parents, she was reconnected with her family. After years of uncertainty and trauma, she is back to having a normal and safe life, attending school, and being with friends without fear of being taken by traffickers again.

*pseudonym used

Thank you for making this possible!

Our movement is grassroots, to us that not only means the work on the ground is led by local leaders with the support of the community, but it also means that we raise the funds for our projects through everyday donors just like you. In addition to all the donors that gave $25, $100, or $250 and the campaigners that ran a race or donated their birthday to raise funds, we also want to thank our generous business, school, and faith sponsors who believed in our work and joined the movement.

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One Day's Wages is a grassroots movement of people, stories, and actions to alleviate extreme global poverty

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