Project #175 | Doula Training in Kyrgyzstan

Our Partnership with CDI

Healthcare in Kyrgyzstan has gradually improved over the last few decades, but maternal and newborn mortality rates remain high. Many mothers give birth to their babies without a supportive partner present to aid their labor or advocate for their needs. There are also limited opportunities for health workers to build their professional skills for pregnancy care. However, in a pastoralist society like Kyrgyzstan, the health of the community’s animals determines the health of the community’s people – both physically and economically.

One Day’s Wages partnered with Crosslink Development International (CDI) to improve maternal health outcomes in Kyrgyzstan, and to build the capacity of health practitioners and veterinary workers. Our partnership contributed to improved maternal health through a doula training workshop; a pregnancy health educational program for obstetricians, midwives, and nurses; and the distribution of LifeWraps that prevent postpartum hemorrhage. Doulas and health workers in turn educated their clients and pregnant women in their communities. Our partnership also enabled the promotion and distribution of the Kyrgyz translation of Handbook on Animal Health to veterinarians and farmers from 7 regions of Kyrgyzstan. Through the support of doulas trained by CDI, cesarean surgeries have been averted, labors have been shortened, women’s emotional and mental states have been improved, breastfeeding improved, and several women comforted after stillbirths, when they would have otherwise been alone in their grief.  

Our Collective Impact

Health Workers Trained

Mothers Supported

Veterinarians & Farmers Supported

Meet Miriam

Miriam looked nervously around the room. Fourteen other women sat around her, eager to hear what the speakers from Kyrgyzstan‘s capital city had to share. She and her fellow participants had traveled to this mountain town from their own surrounding villages, hoping to get more education to improve the lives of the women with whom they worked. Miriam was a  Midwife, and the other women around her were also Midwives or Nurses in their own villages. ODW’s partnership with CDI had allowed 3 trainers to fly to southern Kyrgyzstan to share with Miriam and others about perinatal care.

The session began, and for the next five days they covered topics such as maternal nutrition, exercise, birthing positions, treating anemia, and comfort measures for labor. Miriam soaked up every word. And it showed: participants’ knowledge increased from 54% to 80% after the 5 day training!

But that wasn’t the only goal of the seminar. Each participant was assigned a coach and given materials to share their new knowledge with others. Miriam was used to helping women in her village, but she had never considered teaching them everything she knew! Now she is being coached on how to teach the pregnant women in her village about caring for themselves throughout the pregnancy and birthing process.

Thank you for making this possible!

Our movement is grassroots, to us that not only means the work on the ground is led by local leaders with the support of the community, but it also means that we raise the funds for our projects through everyday donors just like you. In addition to all the donors that gave $25, $100, or $250 and the campaigners that ran a race or donated their birthday to raise funds, we also want to thank our generous business, school, and faith sponsors who believed in our work and joined the movement.

If you want to support future projects like this you can make a donation to the fund below.

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