Project #154 | Supporting First Time Mothers in Ghana

Our partnership with GHEI

Early childhood health and nutrition is low in the Bibiani-Ahnwiaso-Bekwai (BAB) district in Western Ghana. In 2015, only 50% of children received the appropriate number of meals; and only 61% of children aged at eight months old received solid foods in addition to breast milk. 52% of underprivileged children were reported to have experienced fever – an indicator used to measure malaria – while only half of those children were taken to a health facility. The BAB district also has a lack of early childhood learning and literacy opportunities to support the development of young children. Surveys indicate that children are not frequently read to by an adult, many do not participate in singing songs, or are not often involved in naming, counting and drawing activities with an adult.

Our partnership with GHEI supported 23 first-time mothers and their 23 children ages 6 to 23 months, who were paired with “Mother Mentors” – community role models who are trained in early childhood health and development. Together we provided invaluable capacity support to these Mother Mentors who are in heavy demand in Humjibre, the community that GHEI works within the BAB district. They were also able to provide much needed educational materials, books, supplies and infant food stipends to improve the future learning success for young children, and better the overall nutrition and health for mothers and their children.



Our collective impact

Mothers Impacted

Children Impacted

Community Members Educated

Meet Betty & Hilda

“During the day, I make sure I take out time to read to Hilda. She loves listening to stories and I encourage her to ask questions. I also read aloud together with her. I am trying to make reading a regular part of her life. She likes to guide my hand towards pictures and saying names aloud. I am happy that she is learning and improving. Two years ago, when I got pregnant with Hilda, I did not know the importance of reading to my child. I am extremely glad, and I feel lucky to have participated in the program. Mother mentors regularly visited my house and we spent time with Hilda together. I saw how happy and excited she would be when we are singing or reading. The interaction with mother mentors was extremely useful and it informed me about new ways I can engage with my daughter and keep her happy … Today, I am confident and positive about Hilda’s future. She is a bright girl and I know that she will achieve whatever she wants and become successful in life. Thank you for everything!”

Thank you for making this possible!

Our movement is grassroots, to us that not only means the work on the ground is led by local leaders with the support of the community, but it also means that we raise the funds for our projects through everyday donors just like you. In addition to all the donors that gave $25, $100, or $250 and the campaigners that ran a race or donated their birthday to raise funds, we also want to thank our generous business, school, and faith sponsors who believed in our work and joined the movement.

If you want to support future projects like this you can make a donation to our maternal health fund.

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One Day's Wages is a grassroots movement of people, stories, and actions to alleviate extreme global poverty

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