Project #111 | Promoting Healthy Homes in Zimbabwe
Our partnership with Bopoma Villages
Zimbabwe is dealing with serious health crises. Diarrhea is the 5th leading cause of death for children under 5, along with HIV/AIDS. 60% of people lack adequate sanitation facilities while 20% lack access to clean water. The rural region of Zaka, Zimbabwe is home to around 200,000 people. After years of no rain in this region, heavy rains resulted in flooding and destruction of homes and gardens.
Our partnership with Bopoma Villages enabled their Healthy Homes Project to address the ravaging impacts of extreme poverty, malnutrition and illness, impacting 554 people in rural Zimbabwe through eight practical, proven, and sustainable solutions. These include providing clean water through BioSand water filters; teaching people how to develop highly productive vegetable gardens using biointensive agricultural methods; helping women and girls avoid exposure to toxic smoke through easy-to-build rocket stoves; teaching effective, locally developed methods of capturing and storing rainwater; and four other simple, but powerful, interventions. The Healthy Homes Project improves health through nutritious food, clean water, and better hygiene. It also gives families agricultural skills they can use to grow surplus food to sell to pay for school fees and other essential needs. Addressing multiple risks simultaneously greatly increases the overall impact on health and capacity, strengthening and empowering families to create better lives for themselves and their children.
Our collective impact
People Received Access to Water
Beneficiaries of Jobs and Training
Total People Impacted
Meet Mrs. Matiza
Mrs. Matiza was overwhelmed by the burden of caring for five children, including three orphaned grandchildren, on her own. Our local staff came alongside Mrs. Matiza and provided her with training in farming and nutrition. She is now growing plenty of healthy food for her family and even has surplus to sell to pay for school fees! Her children also have new school uniforms that were made for them by Bopoma Villages’ volunteers. Mrs. Matiza was also introduced to Bopoma VIllages’ other Healthy Homes strategies to help her boost her family’s health and immunity to disease. Cooking over an outdoor rocket stove has almost eliminated the family’s dangerous exposure to toxic smoke and using a tippy-tap for handwashing has decreased their exposure to the constant threats of disease and illness. Mrs. Matiza has gained the dignity of providing for her children and the whole family is experiencing improved health and renewed hope for the future.
Thank you for making this possible!
Our movement is grassroots, to us that not only means the work on the ground is led by local leaders with the support of the community, but it also means that we raise the funds for our projects through everyday donors just like you. In addition to all the donors that gave $25, $100, or $250 and the campaigners that ran a race or donated their birthday to raise funds, we also want to thank our generous business, school, and faith sponsors who believed in our work and joined the movement.
If you want to support future projects like this you can make a donation to our children’s health fund.
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One Day’s Wages exists to alleviate extreme poverty by investing in, amplifying, and coming alongside locally led organizations in underserved communities.
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