Investing in Literacy and Leadership in Guatemala

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We are excited to partner with ADIMTU to support the My Little Sister project in San Pedro Sacatepéquez, Guatemala. This project will support learning, literacy, and leadership skills for 800 girls in a community where poverty has lead to high drop out rates.

Why Guatemala?

Guatemala is a Central American country bordered by the Pacific Ocean between Mexico, Honduras and El Salvador. Primarily, Guatemala has an agricultural economy, exporting sugar, coffee, bananas, and vegetables. Although Guatemala is the most populous country in Central America, their economic output is roughly half the average for countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, resulting in high rates of poverty. Because of this, Guatemala struggles in areas of health and human development.

The levels of poverty and lack of opportunities in San Marcos, Guatemala force many children to quit school and look for ways to generate income for their families. High rates of school dropouts result in higher levels of illiteracy. Girls on average only receive five years of education, and are vulnerable to dropping out of school due to gender discrimination, early marriage traditions, and teen maternity.


Our partnership with ADIMTU will support a program called My LIttle Sister for 600 middle-school aged girls and 200 elementary school aged girls. ADIMTU’s middle school Leadership Institute supports and motivates young women to continue school, fomenting the idea that they are leaders of their own destiny, and agents of change in their community.

Through the Leadership Institute, ADIMTU developed the My Little Sister project to develop the leadership potential and social responsibility of “big sisters” so they can become agents of change in their community. They enact change by tutoring and supporting younger girls who are at risk of dropping out of school. For these “little sisters,” the tutors become role models that help with schoolwork and encourage the little sisters to continue in school.

ADIMTU’s focus on leadership and learning equips students to learn the value of education as a means to achieve better lives for themselves, their families, and their community.

Join us as we partner to support leadership and literacy for girls education in Guatemala!

Meet Carolina

“I am Carolina Velásquez; I was born in the town of San Isidro Chamac. I had the opportunity to participate in the three projects of the Leadership Institute. My experience was very special, mainly because of my difficult childhood due to a liver problem I had since I was born. I had many problems and I was always going to the doctor and many times I had to spend time in the hospital. This impacted my schooling. In 9th-grade, I had the best experience participating in the My Little Sister project at the Leadership Institute. With great excitement, I planned my classes with Mariela, the girl that was assigned to me in My Little Sister. Mariela was a girl that was doing poorly in school, but with help I gave her, she was able to complete the grade and pass. And in the process I found my vocation and calling to help students, and currently, I am in the last year of a program to become a preschool teacher.

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