Building Classrooms in Rural Senegal


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One Day’s Wages is partnering with Andando to build 3 classrooms and a block of latrines for the students at Fas Toucouleur Primary School, that will be used by eager students for years to come.

Why a Rural Senegalese School?

The Fas Toucouleur Primary School in Senegal currently has 3 classrooms functional for 6 grades of students. The school uses 3 makeshift, temporary classrooms to accommodate all of the students. The temporary classrooms do not provide adequate shelter and can be hazardous. Many parents in the community do not feel it is worth it to send their children to a school in this condition, resulting in extremely lagging enrollment rates. Particularly disadvantaged students are forced to work in agriculture or elsewhere instead of attending school. Other students may be sent out of the community to attend a different school at great cost to the families.

Additionally, the school does not currently have a latrine for students to use. The current lack of these facilities forces students into unsanitary conditions in adjacent fields. This puts many students at risk and does not safeguard their privacy.


ODW + Andando

One Day’s Wages is partnering with Andando to build 3 new classrooms as a permanent solution space shortage at Fas Toucouleur Primary School. Each classroom will be equipped with a built-in library as well as desks for every student. Andando will also construct a proper block of latrines to be used by the students and a play-field for extracurricular activities.

There are currently about 125 students enrolled at the school, but Andando anticipates this number to nearly double as we invest in the educational environment. We also anticipate increases in attendance, enrollment, test scores, community involvement, along with increased pride in the local school and hope for the future.

Join us!

Join us in empowering young students and providing them with a safe space to learn and grow. The progress bar above includes our intended match amount of $14,591 for a total granting goal of $29,182.

Meet Fallou

Fallou is 11 years old and like many of his fellow classmates, he is excited for new classrooms to be built at his school. Currently, Fallou attends class in a temporary shelter made from millet reeds and thatch. Each year the shelter needs to be reconstructed because it is is made unsafe and knocked down from wind and rain.

He says, “It would be great to have new classrooms because we will do better in our studies.  Also we will be protected against the wind, dust, and animals that wander inside the school under temporary shelters.” 

Join us in creating a safe learning environment for students like Fallou to thrive in school, paving the way for a bright future. 

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