Another fully funded project!
We love sharing news about funded projects. We're proud to announce that our 35th project is not only funded, but it's our largest matching grant yet. We owe it all to you because of your generosity and partnership!
Our matching grant with Building Tomorrow has been fully funded at $60,000. The funds that you helped us raise will go towards the construction of a primary-level academy for 325 children in rural Uganda.
How Did We Accomplish This?
Every last donation, no matter how large or small, helped to fund this project. The donations came in many different forms. A group of students at the College of William and Mary came together to raise a whopping $12,437 for the school. Several people, like Beth and Matt, donated their birthdays to the cause, and others donated directly to the campaign. Darin gave us a workout just thinking about him as he ran a full Ironman race and raised nearly $10,000. However you engaged with the project, it was your support that made this project possible. You are helping to change the lives of children in Uganda!
The Project:
The $60,000 matching grant with Building Tomorrow will fund the total construction of a primary school in Uganda. This Building Tomorrow Academy will provide the learning space for 325 children. The school will include seven classrooms, an office, a library, toilets, and a playing field. These academies are often the first permanently built place of learning many students attend. [Learn More]
A Message From Building Tomorrow
If you think back to your elementary school, chances are you had desks to sit in, chalk/marker boards to write on and even a smooth, permanent floor. If you're like me, you took those things for granted.Today, through your generosity, we are excited to announce that One Day's Wages and Building Tomorrow have completed a campaign that will enable us to build our 15th Building Tomorrow Academy in Uganda, providing 325 kids with a desk to sit in, a chalk board to learn from and a community's first permanently-built place of learning. Moreover, it will be built through over 20,000 hours of donated labor and on land gifted specifically for the purpose of building a primary-level school.We look forward to keeping you abreast of our progress as our process begins. From our entire team, 'webale nnyo,' thank you very much for all of your outstanding efforts in support of Building Tomorrow's mission.George Srour, Chief Dreamer + Founder, Building Tomorrow
Thank you for making this possible!
We’re grateful for your partnership, support, and trust. ODW is you, me, us, and them working together for a more compassionate and just world.
As always, we'll report back to you with videos, pictures, and progress reports as they become available to us.