We have some exciting news to share. Because of the movement of ODW, its supporters, and those who chose to give to this project, we were able to completely fund another project! 

We're proud to announce that our matching grant in Ghana with Create Change has been fully funded through your support! Because of your generous donations, ODW was able to award a grant for $10,000 USD. Thank you!

How Did We Accomplish This?

Some of you donated your birthday for this campaign, like Susan, while others donated as a gift to their friends and family for the Holidays. The majority of the donations came from many small individual donations. All of these individual stories of generosity are what fuel our grassroots movement forward.

How Will This Grant impact Ghana?

Create Change helps girls in Ghana stay in School through High school by providing support through challenges that may arise.  They receive assistance with school fees and supplies, and more importantly a group to communicate and share with each other.  A girl admitted to Create Change’s program will stay in school, and is thus more likely to attain her vocational dreams, nurse, teacher, businesswoman, or whatever else they may be. Our grant will support 50 girls in the Create Change program. 

A Message From Create Change

 Create Change's Ghana Girls Education Project is delighted to acknowledge One Day's Wages great achievement. The overwhelming generosity of supporters like you has made an incredible difference in Ghana — fifty more girls are now able to attend school, safely access educational resources, and build bright futures as they challenge gender inequality. With the costs of sending one child to school will cost 50% of an annual income, girls often fall out of favour when families send their children to school, instead tending to the household obligations as caretakers and wives.

For those girls who are able to make it to school, simple provisions such as school supplies and text books are often out of reach. Yet many of these girls dream of going to school, recognizing that education is their key towards furthering themselves and helping their families climb out of poverty. I have seen the overwhelming evidence of this in the giant line-ups we find outside our office door every October. At the beginning of the school year, hundreds of girls visit Create Change in hopes of finding a way to pay for school.

Since the Ghana Girls’ Education Program project was initiated in 2007, Create Change has witnessed change in the lives of almost 1,000 girls in Northern Ghana. Because of your help, we are able to say “yes” to another fifty girls to help them realize their dreams of becoming nurses, teachers, lawyers, and leaders in their communities. I would like to thank you deeply and warmly and to express my gratitude in the role One Day's Wages has played in matching the funds raised for this initiative. It doesn't take much to create incredible, resounding change. Your kindness is proof of this!

– Shannen O'Brian, Founder, Create Change Foundation

Thank you for making this possible!

We're grateful for your partnership, support, and trust. ODW is you, me, us, and them working together for a more compassionate and just world.

As always, we'll report back to you with videos, pictures, and progress reports as they become available to us.