One of the main strategies of One Day's Wages is collaboration. We believe in this philosophy because:
- We believe we have much to give and much to learn.
- We believe we can do more with others.
- We believe that only together can we achieve common goals.
This is why we're partnering with many of you, other members, musicians and artists, companies, and numerous other partner organizations.
In this spirit of collaboration, we're very excited and humbled to announce a new partnership with ONE.
Who is ONE?
ONE is a grassroots campaign and advocacy organization backed by more than 2 million people who are committed to the fight against extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa. Cofounded by Bono and other campaigners, ONE is nonpartisan and works closely with African policy makers and activists.
ONE seeks to achieve change through advocacy. They hold world leaders to account for the commitments they've made to fight extreme poverty, and they campaign for better development policies, more effective aid and trade reform. They also support greater democracy, accountability and transparency to ensure policies to beat poverty are implemented effectively.
Why are One Day's Wages & ONE partnering together?
While our strategies are different, our goals are the same:
We want to see the end of extreme poverty in the world.
We've also chosen to partner together because of our mutual respect for one another. While our primary focus and strategies our different, we acknowledge that the other organization excels in another area that's also important in the engagement with extreme poverty.
ODW excels in generosity and charity. ONE excels in justice and advocacy. In our partnership, we hope to introduce our respective communities to one another, mutually support certain strategic initiatives, and work together in raising awareness and inspiring action.
How can you support the partnership?
- Learn more about the two organizations. You can learn more about ONE via their website, Facebook, and Twitter. For those that are new to One Day's Wages, you can also support us via Facebook and Twitter
- Sign up to be an activist via ONE.
- Consider donating to a project of your choice via One Day's Wages or create your own “campaign for a cause.“
- Help spread the word.
watch the official partnership video!