Take a close look at this picture.

Do you see it?

Yes, it might smell funny but this is awesome because it's such a great (and creative) way to help spread the cause of One Day's Wages.

This is where we really need and appreciate your help. We are truly a grassroots organization – started by one middle class family in Seattle and currently staffed by one paid person and numerous interns and volunteers.

Our advertising budget? Less than $500.

But amazingly, ODW has generated some amazing momentum through our friends, supporters, donors, and people that simply believe they can make a difference in the fight against extreme poverty.

Here's 5 ways you can help that don't involve donating:

  1. Facebook. Invite your friends to join us on Facebook. So simple but so incredibly helpful in helping us spread our cause and movement.
  2. Get a sticker and put in on your laptop, forehead, car, guitar case, or as evidenced in the picture above, on a “porta-potty.”  
  3. Buy and wear a t-shirt. Trust us. It's a sweet shirt but even sweeter: It's a great conversation starter.
  4. Are you following us on Twitter? Tweet about us or better retweet any of our stuff that you feel others need to read about. 
  5. Host a dinner, a party, a get-together, a fiesta, a BBQ, or whatever – and help introduce ODW to your friends. 

Thanks for helping us go places we've never gone before. We can't do it without you.

* Oops. Stickers and T-shirts do cost a few bucks. 🙂