One Day's Wages is…

a grassroots movement of
people, stories and actions
to alleviate extreme global poverty. 

Some highlights of the first six months:

  • We awarded our first grant to a small Community Based Organization (CBO) in the Thailand/Burma border that provides education to over 6,000 migrant students.
  • We surpassed our $100K goal for our Haiti Relief Fund and our partners' important work in response to the earthquake.
  • This company was our the first business to partner with us – with the goal of donating $60,000 to ODW and helping provide clean water for 3,000 people over 20 years.
  • This musician was the first artist to partner with us by donating 10% of his new album royalties to join our movement.

And introducing, a new initiative Causes:

As we continue to move forward with our vision, we're excited to share with you our new initiative. We invite you to create a cause campaign: Birthday for a Cause, Work for a Cause, or submit your Idea for a Cause. They are so simple but yet, they will have a dramatic and global impact!

Help us spread the movement:

  • Twitter. Share this page, our new “causes” initiative, and our video.
  • Facebook. Post this page. Join the ODW FB Page.
  • Blogs and Email. Help us spread the word via your blogs. Send an email (with a link to this page) to your community.

Our new video: A Grassroots Movement of People, Stories, and Actions…