While ODW's humble offices are in Seattle, our vision is to grow into a global and grassroots community. And while we're still technically less than three months old, it's been encouraging to see support growing from various sources:
- Various folks have hosted house parties to benefit ODW.
- Musicians and artists from California and Virginia are sharing their talents to spread the message.
- Folks from around the world have registered, become members, and donated via our website. Click here to see our growing global community.
- A publisher in Minnesota becomes the first company to donate a portion of their company's earnings to partner with ODW. More info later.
- And the list goes on…
But the thing that has most encouraged me was recently visiting a church in Austin, Texas and receiving donations from their small children's group. Their donations included a young girl that chose – in response to learning about extreme global poverty – to donate all of her piggybank savings of $71.13. Receiving the shoe box of their donations (picture above) was so inspiring and humbling.
The realities of the suffering and injustices around extreme poverty are overwhelming and leaves us with many questions. But it's these kind of stories and people that remind us of hope, beauty, and courage…
We might not be rock stars, millionaires, or on Hollywood's A-list but we can all make an impact. Whether you're a child, student, unemployed, working, retired, a father or mother, or whatever season of life, take a few minutes to consider:
- What sacrifices can I make to help others?
- How can I learn more about global poverty?
- How can I help raise awareness?
- How can I support the grassroots movement of ODW or another group?
I recently stumbled across this quote by Mother Teresa:
“In this life we cannot do great things.
We can only do small things with great love.”
This little girl's entire donation of $71.13 might seem insignificant. From a sheer financial perspective, it's not even a drop in a bucket but it was given with great sacrifice and great love and that in itself can help change the world.