One Day’s Wages is thrilled to announce our 7th grant to Create Change, a non-profit organization working in Ghana, Africa and their vision to empower girls through education.
The matching grant of $10,000 will go to support the Ghana Girls Education Project and ensure that 50 girls receive education and empowerment through school fees, basic education materials, text books, some personal items, and boarding supplies. We invite supporters of Create Change to make a difference in Ghana by helping raise $5,000 to receive the matching $5,000 grant from ODW.
Who is Create Change?
Create Change aims to provide water and education to people who are living without. Create Change believes that each human being, by virtue of being a human being, has the right to live a life filled with dignity, which means the right to the most basic of human needs, as listed in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
What is the project?
Since the Ghana Girls’ Education Program project was initiated in 2007, Create Change has witnessed change in the lives of almost 800 girls in Northern Ghana who have a dream of getting an education so they can pull themselves and their families out of poverty.
Every October, hundreds of students who have gained admission to high school line up outside of Create Change’s office in Ghana, in hopes of receiving support through the provision of school fees and supplies. Despite the number of girls that may be waiting, each girl is extensively interviewed to find out about her background, her academic performance, and the challenges she faces in continuing her education. It is always an emotional time as for many girls it is the first time that they have been asked to speak about their lives as the hardships they may have faced. If a student is found to be in need of support (the vast majority of applicants are), then Create Change staff will engage with the students’ parents in person or over the phone to ensure they understand the terms of sponsorship.
Invitation & How You Can Help
One Day’s Wages has offered a matching grant of $5,000 to support the Ghana Girls Education Project. We invite supporters of Create Change to make a difference in Ghana by helping raise $5,000 to receive the matching grant from ODW. Gifts at any level towards this match are greatly appreciated.
- Calculate your one day's wages or invest any amount to fund this project.
- Start a birthday for a cause campaign and raise funds directly for this matching grant.
- Form a group campaign (family, school, church, etc.) or share other ideas with us.
- Help spread the word. Email, Tweet, Share on FB, etc.
Give to this Matching Grant.
Our Promise to You
100% of your donations (minus credit card costs) will go directly to this project. As usual, we'll report back to our community about the progress of the funding and once funded, will report back with pictures, videos, and stories to convey the impact of this project.