One Day’s Wages is thrilled to announce an $8,000 grant to Transitions Global, a Nonprofit in Cambodia that provides holistic rehabilitation services to women who have survived the sex trafficking industry.
This grant will provide six (6) computers and internet access in the Transitional Living Center (TLC) where trafficked survivors will have the opportunity to practice and receive training with technology.
Who is Transitions Global?
Transitions Global provides comprehensive restorative aftercare programs for young girls rescued from sex trafficking. Each girl at Transitions receives individualized care to heal from her past and provide opportunities for her future. She finds hope, through holistic trauma therapy, life skills training, education, and sustainable career skills; she finds a new dream for her future. The mission of Transitions Global is to help girls transition, through the power of a dream, from darkness to light and from victim to survivor, to world changer.
Why Computer Training?
In Cambodia, there is a lack of access to education and 21st century career skills for girls rescued from sex trafficking. Transitions Global doesn't teach girls traditional job skills like handicrafts and sewing, but rather focuses on life skills more equipped for the 21st century and progressive and viable career fields that become more accessible through knowing how to use computers.
Transitions believes that every girl needs to know how to operate a computer, use email, and surf the Internet for current events, facts and ideas. By initially being trained to use a computer, the girls who complete the Transition program can then go on more easily to the career field of their choice.
What is the ODW | Transitions Global Project?
Through this grant, Transitions Global is able to improve the Internet service at the Transitions' Dream Home through installation of new wiring and cables to boost the power and signal strength, allowing the girls and staff to have consistent and strong Internet access throughout the Dream Home facility. Cambodia has a number of power issues and many facilities do not have the power or stability to provide adequate Internet Wi-fi strength for more than a computer or two. Re-wiring and providing additional power will ensure we can support the entire Dream Home with the Internet. We will provide computer technology to our therapy room, allowing our clinical staff to take and share valuable case and therapy notes to assist in the girls’ healing process.
Transitions will also purchase several new computers to fully equip the Dream Home’s computer lab. These new computers will allow more girls greater access to use the lab for personal and classroom participation. We have developed a targeted computer skills class to be conducted at the shelter in order to accommodate the girls’ busy educational and vocational training schedules so they can learn computer basics in an individual setting.
Transitions will also be able to provide learning software that increases the girls’ English skills, computer skills, and life skills through budgeting classes. As well, girls will use the new computer system to do homework, learn through computer programs & games, as well as, explore the world through art, design, music and much more.
We are very excited to partner with Transitions Global and we look forward to updating you on this project in the coming months.
Thank you for helping to make this grant possible!
Learn more about Human Trafficking and how ODW is helping at the ODW Human Trafficking Fund.