Clean Water. Something so basic, yet approximately 748 million people across the world still don't have it. We cannot let this continue. With World Water Day this Sunday, it is the perfect opportunity for us to stand together, with those who have been denied this basic human need, and say “No More!”
We know you care about clean water just as much as we do, and that's why we're asking for your help on World Water Day…
Read about this campaign below, consider how you can contribute, and then share this post with your community on World Water Day to help spread the word… #WaterforMyanmar #WorldWaterDay
Why Clean Water? Why Myanmar?
Lack of access to clean water causes 1,400 deaths among children every day. This and other overwhelming statistics cause the UN to call lack of clean water around the world: the silent emergency, as it not only causes death, but infections such as cholera, typhoid fever, and dysentery.
Gaining access to clean water and sanitation contributes to both the health and well-being of communities. It prevents water related diseases, keeps kids in school, and allows women to use their time generating income for their families. In Myanmar, these improvements are desperately needed, as 1 in 5 people lack access to clean water or improved sanitation.
Our new partnership with long-time friends World Concern and MiiR will help 7 rural communities in Myanmar gain access to clean water and better sanitation. Each community has unique needs and thus will receive different approaches, ranging from repairing wells, installing rainwater catchments, building latrines, and providing comprehensive training in better hygiene.
Give the Gift Of Clean Water Today
Consider what a simple donation can do for these communities…
$20 brings 1 person clean water
$100 brings an entire family clean water
And through this partnership, your gift will be doubled.
Donate Today!