If you've been following ODW, you'll know by now that we're committed to the fight against extreme poverty and as a result, we're guided by something called the MDGs – or – Millennium Development Goals.
MDGs are eight international development goals that all 192 United Nations member states and many international organizations have agreed to work towards. The MDGs were originally signed in September 2000 and each year, the U.N., government leaders, and various organizations gather to assess the progress of these goals.
While ODW won't be able to be in New York this week for the U.N. Millennium Development Goals summit,we thought this would be a great opportunity to share several resources to help you grow familiar with the MDGs, and thus, familiar with the goals of ODW.
TEDxChange live webcast
On Sept. 20, 2010 at 11am EDT/8am PDT, join thousands of others for TEDxChange. This event marks the 10 year anniversary of the formation of the MDGs. This event is co-hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and TED. To see the live webcast, simply visit: http://tedxchange.org
And if you've missed it live, watch it recorded.
BONO and MDGs for Beginners…and Finishers
As most of you know, Bono is the leader of the band, U2, and a co-founder of the advocacy group ONE. In this weekend's edition of the New York Times, he writes a column entitled, MDGs for Beginners…and Finishers.
Bono writes:
The M.D.G.’s are possibly the most visionary deal that most people have never heard of. In the run-up to the 21st century, a grand global bargain was negotiated at a series of summit meetings and then signed in 2000. The United Nations’ “Millennium Declaration” pledged to “ensure that globalization becomes a positive force for all the world’s people,” especially the most marginalized in developing countries. It wasn’t a promise of rich nations to poor ones; it was a pact, a partnership, in which each side would meet obligations to its own citizens and to one another.
Read the full column.
Study this basic graph explaining the 8 MDGs
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One Day's Wages is a movement of people, stories, and actions to alleviate extreme global poverty.
ODW is you, me, us, and them: giving, dream, and working together.