Take few minutes and type “Humanitarian Organizations,
Global Poverty” in your favorite search engine. There are thousands of altruistic organizations
out there! Many of them are doing
good, selfless and effective work around the globe.
However, what you may not find from this search are the hundreds and thousands of small NGOs (non-governmental organization) and CBOs (community based organizations) who are working in their local communities around the world, in remote villages and often without access to regular sources of funding, social media outlets, websites, and other ways to raise support for their work. They may not have the
capacity for extensive grant writing or the ability to fund their projects that are making the difference in the lives of those living in extreme poverty.
Even with the desire and heart for
alleviating extreme poverty, these organizations often don’t have the ability to expand. It is our ultimate goal
at One Day’s Wages to partner with and support these smaller development
organizations working to alleviate the oppression of global poverty.
One Day’s Wages hopes to use funds raised by our global community through grants given from our General Giving Fund
to provide them with the support they need to thrive and expand. Money generally goes farther in smaller
organizations, with operating budgets often only a small percentage of some of the larger NGOs who often have access to Western funding sources.
For example, take a look at ODW’s first grant to Burmese Migrant Workers Education
Committee (BMWEC). With just $5,128 (US) we were able to provide transportation for over 230 kids to school for 18 months! While BWMEC may not be known to most in the larger world, they are engaged in amazing work including providing access to education to over 6,200 refugee students alongside the Thailand/Burma border region!
We are excited to share the stories of more of these organizations (and new grants) in the weeks to come.
How can you continue to help?
Help us spread the word.
ODW, in itself, is another example of a very small organization with a limited budget and thus, rely on our supporters to help spread the word via email, word of mouth, and social media outlets. You are our most important partnership.
Start a personal campaign for a cause
It's so easy and simple but it will have a dramatic impact for those living in extreme global poverty. Start one now. 100% of your donations and campaign (minus credit card transaction costs) go directly to projects to alleviate extreme poverty.
Recommend your favorite small organization
Do you personally know of small organizations that are doing amazing work? We are specifically looking for NGOs and CBOs whose administrative budgets are under or around $100,000 US. Leave your recommendation for organizations in the comments and tell us why you're recommending them.
Photo Credit: via BMWEC